Control: Network security groups should restrict inbound TCP port 5500 access from internet
Network security group provide stateful filtering of inbound/outbound network traffic to Azure resources. It is recommended that no network security group allows unrestricted inbound access to TCP port 5500.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.network_security_group_restrict_inbound_tcp_port_5500
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.network_security_group_restrict_inbound_tcp_port_5500 --share
This control uses a named query:
with unrestricted_inbound as ( select distinct name sg_name from azure_network_security_group nsg, jsonb_array_elements(security_rules || default_security_rules ) sg, jsonb_array_elements_text( case when jsonb_array_length(sg -> 'properties' -> 'destinationPortRanges') > 0 then (sg -> 'properties' -> 'destinationPortRanges') else jsonb_build_array(sg -> 'properties' -> 'destinationPortRange') end ) as dport, jsonb_array_elements_text( case when jsonb_array_length(sg -> 'properties' -> 'sourceAddressPrefixes') > 0 then (sg -> 'properties' -> 'sourceAddressPrefixes') else jsonb_build_array(sg -> 'properties' -> 'sourceAddressPrefix') end ) as sip where sg -> 'properties' ->> 'access' = 'Allow' and sg -> 'properties' ->> 'direction' = 'Inbound' and (sg -> 'properties' ->> 'protocol' ilike 'TCP' or sg -> 'properties' ->> 'protocol' = '*') and sip in ('*', '', '', 'Internet', 'any', '<nw>/0', '/0') and ( dport in ('5500', '*') or ( dport like '%-%' and ( split_part(dport, '-', 1) :: integer = 5500 and split_part(dport, '-', 2) :: integer = 5500 ) ) ))select resource, case when nsg.sg_name is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when nsg.sg_name is null then sg.title || ' restricts TCP port 5500 access from internet.' else sg.title || ' allows TCP port 5500 access from internet.' end as reason , sg.resource_group as resource_group , sub.display_name as subscriptionfrom azure_network_security_group sg left join unrestricted_inbound nsg on nsg.sg_name = join azure_subscription sub on sub.subscription_id = sg.subscription_id;