
Dashboard: Azure App Service Web App Detail

This dashboard answers the following questions for each SQL server:

  • How is the web app configured?
  • What relationships does the web app have with other resources?
  • How is the web app diagnostic configured?
  • What tags are applied?
  • Are HTTPS and HTTP logging enabled?
  • What FTP and TLS versions are configured?
This dashboard contains 6 cards, 1 graph, 1 input and 5 tables.


Install the mod:

mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-azure-insights

Start the Powerpipe server:

steampipe service start
powerpipe server

Open http://localhost:9033 in your browser and select Azure App Service Web App Detail dashboard.

You could also snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe dashboard run azure_insights.dashboard.app_service_web_app_detail --share


This dashboard uses the the following queries:
configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'loadBalancing' as "Load Balancing",
configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'linuxFxVersion' as "Linux App Framework and version",
configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'numberOfWorkers' as "Workers",
configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'preWarmedInstanceCount' as "Pre-warmed Instances",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'alwaysOn')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "Always On",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'autoHealEnabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "Auto Heal",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'detailedErrorLoggingEnabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "Detailed Error Logging",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'http20Enabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "HTTP 20",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'httpLoggingEnabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "HTTP Logging",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'localMySqlEnabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "Local MySQL",
configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'logsDirectorySizeLimit' as "HTTP Logs Directory Size Limit",
configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'managedPipelineMode' as "Managed Pipeline Mode",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'remoteDebuggingEnabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "Remote Debugging",
case when (configuration -> 'properties' ->> 'requestTracingEnabled')::boolean then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end as "Request Tracing"
lower(id) = $1;
