Control: 2.7 Ensure TLS authentication for Docker daemon is configured
It is possible to make the Docker daemon available remotely over a TCP port. If this is required, you should ensure that TLS authentication is configured in order to restrict access to the Docker daemon via IP address and port.
By default, the Docker daemon binds to a non-networked Unix socket and runs with root privileges. If you change the default Docker daemon binding to a TCP port or any other Unix socket, anyone with access to that port or socket could have full access to the Docker daemon and therefore in turn to the host system. For this reason, you should not bind the Docker daemon to another IP/port or a Unix socket.
If you must expose the Docker daemon via a network socket, you should configure TLS authentication for the daemon and for any Docker Swarm APIs (if they are in use). This type of configuration restricts the connections to your Docker daemon over the network to a limited number of clients who have access to the TLS client credentials.
Follow the steps mentioned in the Docker documentation or other references.
Default Value
By default, TLS authentication is not configured.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run docker_compliance.control.cis_v160_2_7
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run docker_compliance.control.cis_v160_2_7 --share
This control uses a named query:
with os_output as ( select btrim(stdout_output, E' \n\r\t') as os, _ctx ->> 'connection_name' as os_conn from exec_command where command = 'uname -s'), hostname as ( select btrim(stdout_output, E' \n\r\t') as host, _ctx ->> 'connection_name' as host_conn, _ctx from exec_command where command = 'hostname'),
linux_output as ( select stdout_output, _ctx ->> 'connection_name' as conn from exec_command, os_output where os_conn = _ctx ->> 'connection_name' and command = 'cat /etc/docker/daemon.json')select host as resource, case when os.os ilike '%Darwin%' then 'skip' when o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'hosts' not like '%tcp%' then 'info' when o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlsverify' = 'true' and o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlscacert' <> '' and o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlscert' <> '' and o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlskey' <> '' then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when os.os ilike '%Darwin%' then host || ' /etc/docker/daemon.json does not exist on ' || os.os || ' OS.' when o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'hosts' not like '%tcp%' then host || ' Docker daemon not listening on TCP.' when o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlsverify' = 'true' and o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlscacert' <> '' and o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlscert' <> '' and o.stdout_output::jsonb->>'tlskey' <> '' then host || ' TLS authentication for Docker daemon is configured.' else host || ' TLS authentication for Docker daemon is not configured.' end as reason , h._ctx ->> 'connection_name' as connection_namefrom hostname as h, os_output as os, linux_output as owhere os.os_conn = h.host_conn and h.host_conn = o.conn