Control: 7.2 Ensure that swarm services are bound to a specific host interface
You should not keep a large number of containers on the same host.
The flexibility of containers makes it easy to run multiple instances of applications and therefore indirectly leads to Docker images that can exist at varying security patch levels. It also means that you are consuming host resources that otherwise could have been used for running 'useful' containers. Having more than just an essential number of containers on a particular host makes the system vulnerable to mishandling, misconfiguration and fragmentation. You should therefore keep the number of containers on a given host to the minimum number commensurate with serving production applications.
You should periodically check your container inventory on each host and clean up containers which are not in active use with the command below:
docker container prune
Default Value
By default, Docker does not restrict the number of containers you may have on a host.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run docker_compliance.control.cis_v160_7_2
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run docker_compliance.control.cis_v160_7_2 --share
This control uses a named query:
with hostname as ( select btrim(stdout_output, E' \n\r\t') as host, _ctx ->> 'connection_name' as host_conn, _ctx from exec_command where command = 'hostname'),
command_output as ( select stdout_output, _ctx ->> 'connection_name' as conn from exec_command where command = 'docker info 2>/dev/null | grep -e "Swarm:*\sactive\s*"'),json_output as ( select e.stdout_output, _ctx ->> 'connection_name' as conn from exec_command as e, command_output as c where c.conn = _ctx ->> 'connection_name' and c.stdout_output <> '' and command = 'netstat -lnt | grep -e ''\\[::]:2377 '' -e '':::2377'' -e ''*:2377 '' -e '' 0\.0\.0\.0:2377 ''')select as resource, case when o.stdout_output = '' then 'ok' when j.stdout_output <> '' then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when o.stdout_output = '' then || ' Swarm mode not enabled.' when j.stdout_output <> '' then || ' swarm services are bound to a specific host interface.' else || ' swarm services are not bound to a specific host interface.' end as reason , h._ctx ->> 'connection_name' as connection_namefrom hostname as h left join command_output as o on h.host_conn = o.conn left join json_output as j on o.conn = j.conn;