Control: 4.11 Ensure that Compute instances have Confidential Computing enabled
Google Cloud encrypts data at-rest and in-transit, but customer data must be decrypted for processing. Confidential Computing is a breakthrough technology which encrypts data in-use while it is being processed. Confidential Computing environments keep data encrypted in memory and elsewhere outside the central processing unit (CPU).
Confidential Computing enables customers' sensitive code and other data encrypted in memory during processing. Google does not have access to the encryption keys. Confidential VM can help alleviate concerns about risk related to either dependency on Google infrastructure or Google insiders' access to customer data in the clear.
Confidential Computing can only be enabled when an instance is created. You must delete the current instance and create a new one.
From Console
- Login to VM instances
- Fill out the desired configuration for your instance.
- Under the
Confidential VM service
section, check the option Enable the Confidential Computing service on this VM instance. - Click Create.
From Command Line
Create a new instance with Confidential Compute enabled.
gcloud beta compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME --zone ZONE --confidential-compute --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.cis_v130_4_11
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.cis_v130_4_11 --share
This control uses a named query:
select self_link resource, case when confidential_instance_config @> '{"enableConfidentialCompute": true}' then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when confidential_instance_config @> '{"enableConfidentialCompute": true}' then title || ' confidential computing enabled.' else title || ' confidential computing not enabled.' end as reason , location as location, project as projectfrom gcp_compute_instance;