
Control: 1.15 Ensure API keys are rotated every 90 days


API Keys should only be used for services in cases where other authentication methods are unavailable. If they are in use it is recommended to rotate API keys every 90 days.

Security risks involved in using API-Keys appear below:

  • API keys are simple encrypted strings
  • API keys do not identify the user or the application making the API request
  • API keys are typically accessible to clients, making it easy to discover and steal an API key

Because of these potential risks, Google recommends using the standard authentication flow instead of API Keys. However, there are limited cases where API keys are more appropriate. For example, if there is a mobile application that needs to use the Google Cloud Translation API, but doesn't otherwise need a backend server, API keys are the simplest way to authenticate to that API.

Once a key is stolen, it has no expiration, meaning it may be used indefinitely unless the project owner revokes or regenerates the key. Rotating API keys will reduce the window of opportunity for an access key that is associated with a compromised or terminated account to be used.

API keys should be rotated to ensure that data cannot be accessed with an old key that might have been lost, cracked, or stolen.


From Console

To find the listed API Keys with creation date

  1. Login to APIs & Services\Credentials using https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
  2. In the section API Keys, Click the API Key Name. The API Key properties display on a new page.
  3. Click REGENERATE KEY to rotate API key from the top section of the page.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2,3,4 for every API key that has not been rotated in the last 90 days.

Note: Do not set HTTP referrers to wild-cards ( or .[TLD] or .[TLD]/) allowing access to any/wide HTTP referrer(s) Do not set IP addresses and referrer to any host ( or or ::0)

From Command Line

There is not currently a way to regenerate and API key using gcloud commands. To'regenerate' a key you will need to create a new one, duplicate the restrictions from the key being rotated, and delete the old key.

  1. List existing keys.
gcloud services api-keys list
  1. Note the UID and restrictions of the key to regenerate.
  2. Run this command to create a new API key. <key_name> is the display name of the new key.
gcloud alpha services api-keys create --display-name="<key_name>"

Note the UID of the newly created key

  1. Run the update command to add required restrictions.

Note - the restriction may vary for each key. Refer to this documentation for the appropriate flags.


gcloud alpha services api-keys update <UID of new key>
  1. Delete the old key.
gcloud alpha services api-keys delete <UID of old key>


Run the control in your terminal:

powerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.cis_v200_1_15

Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:

powerpipe login
powerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.cis_v200_1_15 --share


This control uses a named query:

'https://iam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/' || project || '/apikeys/' || name as resource,
when create_time <= (current_date - interval '90' day) then 'alarm'
else 'ok'
end as status,
display_name || ' ' || uid || ' created ' || to_char(create_time , 'DD-Mon-YYYY') ||
' (' || extract(day from current_timestamp - create_time) || ' days).'
as reason
, project as project
