Control: Ensure 'log_executor_stats' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'off'
The PostgreSQL executor is responsible to execute the plan handed over by the PostgreSQL planner. The executor processes the plan recursively to extract the required set of rows. The log_executor_stats flag controls the inclusion of PostgreSQL executor performance statistics in the PostgreSQL logs for each query.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.sql_instance_postgresql_log_executor_stats_database_flag_off
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.sql_instance_postgresql_log_executor_stats_database_flag_off --share
This control uses a named query:
select self_link resource, case when database_version not like 'POSTGRES%' then 'skip' when database_flags @> '[{"name":"log_executor_stats","value":"off"}]' then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when database_version not like 'POSTGRES%' then title || ' not a PostgreSQL database.' when database_flags is null or not (database_flags @> '[{"name":"log_executor_stats"}]') then title || ' ''log_executor_stats'' database flag not set.' when database_flags @> '[{"name":"log_executor_stats","value":"off"}]' then title || ' ''log_executor_stats'' database flag set to ''off''.' else title || ' ''log_executor_stats'' database flag set to ''on''.' end as reason , location as location, project as projectfrom gcp_sql_database_instance;