Control: 1.3.1 Ensure inactive users are reviewed and removed periodically
Track inactive user accounts and periodically remove them.
User accounts that have been inactive for a long period of time are enlarging the surface of attack. Inactive users with high-level privileges are of particular concern, as these accounts are more likely to be targets for attackers. This could potentially allow access to large portions of an organization should such an attack prove successful. It is recommended to remove them as soon as possible in order to prevent this.
For each repository in use, verify that all user accounts are active.
For each repository in use, review inactive user accounts (members that left the organization, etc.) and remove them.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run github_compliance.control.cis_supply_chain_v100_1_3_1
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run github_compliance.control.cis_supply_chain_v100_1_3_1 --share
This control uses a named query:
with repo as ( select repository_full_name, count(sha) as commit_count, author_login from github_commit c join github_my_repository r on c.repository_full_name = r.name_with_owner where authored_date >= now() - interval '30 day' group by repository_full_name, author_login),logins as ( select c.user_login as login, name_with_owner as repository_full_name, url from github_my_repository join github_repository_collaborator c on c.repository_full_name = name_with_owner)select -- Required Columns l.url as resource, case when commit_count is null then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when commit_count is null then login || ' is an inactive user.' else login || ' is an active user.' end as reason, -- Additional Dimensions l.repository_full_namefrom logins l left join repo r on l.login = r.author_login and l.repository_full_name = r.repository_full_name;