Control: Job containers argument apiserver etcd certfile and keyfile should be configured
This check ensures that the container in the Job has apiserver etcd certfile and keyfile argument configured.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run kubernetes_compliance.control.job_container_argument_kube_apiserver_etcd_certfile_and_keyfile_configured
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run kubernetes_compliance.control.job_container_argument_kube_apiserver_etcd_certfile_and_keyfile_configured --share
This control uses a named query:
select coalesce(uid, concat(path, ':', start_line)) as resource, case when (c -> 'command') is null or not ((c -> 'command') @> '["kube-apiserver"]') then 'ok' when (c -> 'command') @> '["kube-apiserver"]' and ( not (c ->> 'command' like '%--etcd-certfile%') or not (c ->> 'command' like '%--etcd-keyfile%') ) then 'alarm' else 'ok' end as status, case when (c -> 'command') is null then c ->> 'name' || ' command not defined.' when not ((c -> 'command') @> '["kube-apiserver"]') then c ->> 'name' || ' kube-apiserver not defined.' when (c -> 'command') @> '["kube-apiserver"]' and ( not (c ->> 'command' like '%--etcd-certfile%') or not (c ->> 'command' like '%--etcd-keyfile%') ) then c ->> 'name' || ' kube-apiserver etcd certfile and etcd keyfile not set.' else c ->> 'name' || ' kube-apiserver etcd certfile and etcd keyfile set.' end as reason, name as job_name , coalesce(context_name, '') as context_name, namespace, source_type, coalesce(path || ':' || start_line || '-' || end_line, '') as pathfrom kubernetes_job, jsonb_array_elements(template -> 'spec' -> 'containers') as c;