Control: Job containers should run with a read only root file system
Containers in a Job should always run with a read only root file system. Using an immutable root filesystem and a verified boot mechanism prevents against attackers from owning the machine through permanent local changes. An immutable root filesystem can also prevent malicious binaries from writing to the host system.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run kubernetes_compliance.control.job_immutable_container_filesystem
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run kubernetes_compliance.control.job_immutable_container_filesystem --share
This control uses a named query:
select coalesce(uid, concat(path, ':', start_line)) as resource, case when (c -> 'securityContext' ->> 'readOnlyRootFilesystem')::bool then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when (c -> 'securityContext' ->> 'readOnlyRootFilesystem')::bool then c ->> 'name' || ' running with read-only root file system.' else c ->> 'name' || ' not running with read-only root file system.' end as reason, name as job_name , coalesce(context_name, '') as context_name, namespace, source_type, coalesce(path || ':' || start_line || '-' || end_line, '') as pathfrom kubernetes_job, jsonb_array_elements(template -> 'spec' -> 'containers') as c;