Control: Google compute firewall ingress does not allow unrestricted MySQL port 3306 access
This control checks if Google compute firewall ingress does not allow unrestricted MySQL port 3306 access.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run terraform_gcp_compliance.control.compute_firewall_allow_mysql_port_3306_ingress
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run terraform_gcp_compliance.control.compute_firewall_allow_mysql_port_3306_ingress --share
This control uses a named query:
with rules as ( select distinct address from terraform_resource, jsonb_array_elements( case jsonb_typeof(attributes_std -> 'allow') when 'array' then (attributes_std -> 'allow') when 'object' then jsonb_build_array(attributes_std -> 'allow') else null end ) allow, jsonb_array_elements_text( case when ((allow -> 'ports') != 'null') and jsonb_array_length(allow -> 'ports') > 0 then (allow -> 'ports') else jsonb_build_array(allow -> 'ports') end) as port, jsonb_array_elements_text( case when ((attributes_std -> 'source_ranges') != 'null') and jsonb_array_length(attributes_std -> 'source_ranges') > 0 then (attributes_std -> 'source_ranges') else jsonb_build_array(attributes_std -> 'source_ranges') end) as sip where type = 'google_compute_firewall' and (attributes_std ->> 'direction' is null or lower(attributes_std ->> 'direction') = 'ingress') and lower(sip) in ('*', '', '', 'internet', 'any', '<nw>/0', '/0') and ( port in ('3306', '*') or ( port like '%-%' and split_part(port, '-', 1) :: integer <= 3306 and split_part(port, '-', 2) :: integer >= 3306 ) ))select r.address as resource, case when g.address is null then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, split_part(r.address, '.', 2) || case when g.address is null then ' restricts MySQL access from internet through port 3306' else ' allows MySQL access from internet through port 3306' end || '.' reason , path || ':' || start_linefrom terraform_resource as r left join rules as g on g.address = r.addresswhere type = 'google_compute_firewall';