Control: Ensure that the 'log_connections' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'on'
Enabling the log_connections setting causes each attempted connection to the server to be logged, along with successful completion of client authentication. This parameter cannot be changed after the session starts.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run terraform_gcp_compliance.control.sql_instance_postgresql_log_connections_database_flag_on
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run terraform_gcp_compliance.control.sql_instance_postgresql_log_connections_database_flag_on --share
This control uses a named query:
select address as resource, case when coalesce(trim((attributes_std ->> 'database_version')), '') = '' then 'alarm' when (attributes_std ->> 'database_version') not like 'POSTGRES%' then 'skip' when (attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'name') = 'log_connections' and (attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'value') = 'on' then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, split_part(address, '.', 2) || case when coalesce(trim((attributes_std ->> 'database_version')), '') = '' then ' ''database_version'' is not defined' when (attributes_std ->> 'database_version') not like 'POSTGRES%' then ' not a PostgreSQL database' when (attributes_std -> 'settings') is null then ' ''settings'' is not defined' when (attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags') is null then ' ''settings.database_flags'' is not defined' when coalesce(trim((attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'name')), '') = '' then ' '''' is not defined' when coalesce(trim((attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'value')), '') = '' then ' ''settings.database_flags.value'' is not defined' when (attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'name') <> 'log_connections' then ' ''log_connections'' database flag not set' when (attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'name') = 'log_connections' and (attributes_std -> 'settings' -> 'database_flags' ->> 'value') = 'on' then ' ''log_connections'' database flag set to ''on''' else ' ''log_connections'' database flag set to ''off''' end || '.' reason , path || ':' || start_linefrom terraform_resourcewhere type = 'google_sql_database_instance';