Query: azuread_password_protection_enabled
powerpipe query microsoft365_compliance.query.azuread_password_protection_enabled
Steampipe Tables
with enable_banned_password_check_on_premises_settings as ( select tenant_id, id from azuread_directory_setting where display_name = 'Password Rule Settings' and (name = 'EnableBannedPasswordCheckOnPremises' and value = 'True')), banned_password_check_on_premise_mode_settings as ( select tenant_id, id from azuread_directory_setting where display_name = 'Password Rule Settings' and (name = 'BannedPasswordCheckOnPremisesMode' and value = 'Enforce')),tenant_list as ( select distinct on (tenant_id) tenant_id, _ctx from azuread_user)select t.tenant_id as resource, case when (e.tenant_id is not null) and (b.tenant_id is not null) then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when (e.tenant_id is not null) and (b.tenant_id is not null) then t.tenant_id || ' has password protection enabled.' else t.tenant_id || ' has password protection disabled.' end as reason , t.tenant_id as tenant_idfrom tenant_list as t left join enable_banned_password_check_on_premises_settings as e on e.tenant_id = t.tenant_id left join banned_password_check_on_premise_mode_settings as b on b.tenant_id = t.tenant_id;
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