Query: azuread_user_risk_policy
powerpipe query microsoft365_compliance.query.azuread_user_risk_policy
Steampipe Tables
with block_legacy_authentication as ( select tenant_id, count(*) from azuread_conditional_access_policy where users->'includeUsers' ?& array['All'] and jsonb_array_length(users -> 'excludeUsers') = 0 and jsonb_array_length(user_risk_levels) != 0 and applications->'includeApplications' ?& array['All'] and jsonb_array_length(applications -> 'excludeApplications') = 0 and built_in_controls ?& array['passwordChange'] group by tenant_id),tenant_list as ( select distinct on (tenant_id) tenant_id, _ctx from azuread_user)select t.tenant_id as resource, case when (select count from block_legacy_authentication where tenant_id = t.tenant_id) > 0 then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when (select count from block_legacy_authentication where tenant_id = t.tenant_id) > 0 then t.tenant_id || ' has user risk policies enabled.' else t.tenant_id || ' has user risk policies disabled.' end as reason , t.tenant_id as tenant_idfrom tenant_list as t;
The query is being used by the following controls: