Control: Subscriptions should have a contact email address for security issues
To ensure the relevant people in your organization are notified when there is a potential security breach in one of your subscriptions, set a security contact to receive email notifications from Security Center.
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.securitycenter_email_configured
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run azure_compliance.control.securitycenter_email_configured --share
This control uses a named query:
with contact_info as ( select jsonb_agg(email) filter (where name = 'default' and email != '') as default_email, count(*) filter (where name != 'default') as non_default_count, count(*) filter (where name = 'default') as default_count, subscription_id from azure_security_center_contact group by subscription_id limit 1)select sub.subscription_id as resource, case when non_default_count > 0 then 'ok' when default_count = 1 and jsonb_array_length(default_email) != 0 then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when non_default_count > 0 then 'Additional email addresses configured.' when default_count = 1 and default_email is not null then'Additional email addresses configured.' else 'Additional email addresses not configured.' end as reason , sub.display_name as subscriptionfrom azure_subscription sub left join contact_info ci on sub.subscription_id = ci.subscription_id;