Control: Ensure KMS encryption keys are rotated within a period of 90 days
Google Cloud Key Management Service stores cryptographic keys in a hierarchical structure designed for useful and elegant access control management. The format for the rotation schedule depends on the client library that is used. For the gcloud command-line tool, the next rotation time must be in ISO or RFC3339 format, and the rotation period must be in the form INTEGER[UNIT], where units can be one of seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h) or days (d).
Run the control in your terminal:
powerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.kms_key_rotated_within_90_day
Snapshot and share results via Turbot Pipes:
powerpipe loginpowerpipe control run gcp_compliance.control.kms_key_rotated_within_90_day --share
This control uses a named query:
select self_link as resource, case when "primary" ->> 'state' = 'DESTROYED' then 'skip' when "primary" ->> 'state' = 'DESTROY_SCHEDULED' then 'skip' when "primary" ->> 'state' = 'DISABLED' then 'skip' when split_part(rotation_period, 's', 1) :: int <= 7776000 then 'ok' else 'alarm' end as status, case when "primary" ->> 'state' = 'DESTROYED' then title || ' is destroyed.' when "primary" ->> 'state' = 'DESTROY_SCHEDULED' then title || ' is scheduled for deletion.' when "primary" ->> 'state' = 'DISABLED' then title || ' is disabled.' when rotation_period is null then title || ' in ' || key_ring_name || ' requires manual rotation.' else key_ring_name || ' ' || title || ' rotation period set for ' || (split_part(rotation_period, 's', 1) :: int)/86400 || ' day(s).' end as reason , location as location, project as projectfrom gcp_kms_key;